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Helmholtz-ZentrumGeesthacht (Hereon) is teaming up with the Thin Film Physics division and the Nano-structured Materials divison at Linköpings University (LiU) together with SECO Tools AB for collaboration within the frame research programme RöntgenÅngström Cluster.

The overall purpose of this project is to achieve a fundamental understanding, on an atomistic level, of the dynamics of phase transformations during synthesis and operation of cutting tools. The underlying mechanisms for formation of self-organized nano-structured coatings in immiscible nitride-based ceramic materials systems will be investigated. Even a partial knowledge will help to optimize existing cutting tool coatings or develop optimized ones for new high-tech materials to be developed in the future. This will strengthen the industrial manufacturing capabilities of the participating collaborators.

The objectives are to investigate the dynamic behaviours of ceramic materials, coatings and substrates, designed for high performance cutting tools during actual cutting operations and to investigate the phase stabilities of novel multifunctional nanostructured materials, both during thin film synthesis and post growth at controlled extreme conditions such as high pressure and temperature.